Despite the solid structure this bike gives you a smooth, silent ride. Adjust the seat height and pedal straps to suit you and off you go. With 8 levels of tension control you will find the right one for you as you progress through your fitness journey. The LCD monitor tracks your time, speed, distance, calories burned and odometer while you are cycling, and the hand grip helps you check your heart rate easily. With adjustable pedal straps you get an extra piece of quality and comfort to give your feet a secure fitting as you cycle. Manual resistance system. Hand grip pulse sensor. Console feedback including: 7. 8 level tension control. 4kg flywheel. Pedal straps. Adjustable seat. Maximum user weight 100kg (15st 10lb). General information:Batteries required 2 x AAA (not included). Size H112, W49, D92cm. Weight 20kg. Self-assembly. Manufacturer’s 1 year guarantee.